Артикул: 073000020 19010

Бренд: Iosso Products

ІОССО .30/.308/ 7.62mm Елімінатор Blue Nyflex Gun Bore Cleaning Brushes .30/.308/ 7.62mm

Ці преміальні щітки bore виготовляються з клітковиною, яка складається з синього кольору, щоб не помилитися для будь-якого іншого типу щітки.
Ціна 9,96 € Базова ціна 12,00 €
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Артикул: NTG 5 mirror Mirror set

Бренд: Teslong

Teslong Різні розміри 5 шт. Двокамерні дзеркала для NTG серії болоскоп (5мм і більше)

Підходить для стволів .22, .243, .30, .38, .40 і більших калібрів Сумісний з оптичними прицілами серії NTG100 від Teslong Покращує видимість у стволах великого калібру Бачити більше та перевіряти швидше Зонд відцентровано по центру ствола Легко накручується на свердла NTGНЕ СУМІСНИЙ з фокусувально-складаним свердлильним пристосуванням NTG200
Ціна 24,99 €
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Артикул: NTG150W

Бренд: Teslong

Teslong гнучкий свердло з WiFi 36 дюймів / 92 см для Iphone Ipad Andriod з Wifi адаптером

Досліджуйте приховані простори за допомогою нашого гнучкого борескопа з WiFi, розробленого для безперешкодної інтеграції з вашим iPhone, iPad або пристроєм на базі Android. Цей 36-дюймовий / 92-сантиметровий борескоп має гнучку конструкцію, що забезпечує легку навігацію в обмеженому просторі. Завдяки адаптеру WiFi, що входить до комплекту, ви можете...
Ціна 91,98 €
В наявності
Всі лідери продажів
    • March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)
    • March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)
    • March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)
    • March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)
    • March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)

    March Riflescope March-X "High Master" 8x-80x56mm Tactical (D80HV56WTIX-GR-GR)


    New for 2023! March-X 8-80x56mm High Master Wide Angle "Majesta" Riflescope in MOA

    (We will start taking orders from March 2nd 2023, the first day of the IWA held in Nuremberg, Germany.)

    We will post more news on how to use some of the reticles for the 8-80×56 HM WA X Majesta Scope in 2023.

    5 289,99 €
    з податком
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    March-X 8-80x56mm

    Tactical Model (Illuminated)

    The most powerful zoom riflescope series in the world, the March-X Series, has a 10x magnification ratio zoom range capable of focusing from 10 yards to infinity. With the capability to set any position as the zero point in elevation, the shooter will never lose the starting calibration. Based on the 34mm diameter body and has the 56mm objective lens. As with all high power March scopes, the March-X 5x-50x56mm and 8x-80x56mm incorporate high quality ED lenses to provide superior image resolution. In recent years, these scopes have become very popular among the Field Target air rifle competition shooters. The Field Target competition requires a high degree of ranging accuracy. High power magnification and clear imaging are necessary for the Field Target competitors to measuring distance accurately. Expand your world more than ever before.

    This March-X 8-80x56 SFP High Master Wide Angle Scope has an outstanding image quality and the highest magnification, 80x, in the world as of today. This scope will be engraved "Majesta" befitting its name.


    • 10X Zoom in SFP, MOA
    • New bicolor scope: Dark grey body with black turrets
    • Robust 34mm body tube with a 4mm thick wall simply to make the scope extra strong
    • 56mm objective lens
    • Highest magnification in the world as of today
    • Wide Angle eyepiece : 25 degrees
    • Temperature Anti-Drift Lens System
    • High Master lens system (Super ED lenses)
    • Shimmer protection
    • Focus from 10 yard to infinity
    • Scope body fully machined from aluminum ingot
    • All Japanese metal parts with no plastic part except for minimum essentials such as an insulator
    • Argon gas filled for internal stability
    • Shuriken lock elevation and windage turrets

    Shuriken shaped lockable elevation and windage turrets. “Shuriken” is a star shaped throwing knife used by Ninja. Red is for locked state and white is for unlocked state. "X" in the model name stands for the Shuriken lock.

    We currently have a 8-80x56 among our lineup, but this March-X 8-80x56 SFP High Master Wide Angle Scope is an entirely new scope which took us several years to develop. This new scope has 25 degrees wide angle eyepiece which is 25% wider than the standard 20 degrees. (125% field of view (FOV) expansion. To the eye of the shooter, this increase is equivalent to 156% in terms of FOV area at all magnifications.) The shooter is presented with a much larger magnified picture of the target and its surroundings, eliminating the tunneling effect inherent in high-magnification long range optics. This majestic vista helps the competitor identify the conditions at the target thus allowing for last second adjustments. It also helps to identify the target and reduce the chances of crossfire. The hunter and the target shooter will also benefit from this huge increase in the magnified field of view by increasing their awareness of the surrounding area at the target.

    The current 8-80x56 assembles ED lens, but March 8-80x56 SFP High Master Wide Angle Scope newly assembles the High Master lens system with 2 Super ED lenses. By using Super ED lens elements, we can suppress chromatic aberration even more than with ED lenses and thus produce a sharper image with greater contrast. This riflescope with Super ED lenses can handle “mirage” better than ED lenses, and dramatically better than regular optical glass as well. ED lens preserves the focus position of this light and Super ED glass does an even better job of doing that. Because of this “shimmer protection”, the riflescope’s magnification can remain high and thus provide the shooter with a better aiming point.


    This 8-80x56 High Master Wide Angle Riflescope, like all March scopes, is immensely strong to endure any severe condition. All March scopes are Argon-filled for internal stability and are fully weather-resistant and waterproof to at least 4 meters, and have passed impact tests of up to 1000G. The walls of the 34mm tubes are 4mm thick. Our 34mm body tube is simply just to make the scope extra strong. With its 4mm thick walls and the overall design, March-X and March-FX models are among the toughest riflescopes in the world. “X” in the classification name stands for 34mm body tube and “F” in the classification name stands for FFP (first focal plane).

    "Fast focus eyepiece"

    The diopter adjustment mechanism has been improved so you can adjust the eyepiece to your eye faster than ever before.

    1/8MOA Type

    One turn of both adjustment dials is 10MOA and one click is 1/8MOA.

    Elevation has a total adjustment range of 66MOA.

    Windage has a total adjustment range of 36MOA.

    1/8MOA Adj.dials with 0-Set

    Oversized dials for elevation, windage, and side focus for easy adjustment.

    The elevation dial has a 0-set function.

    In the box

    • Flip Caps (Objective and Eyepiece)
    • Sunshade
    • Lens Cloth
    • MD disk
    • Fast Lever
    • Hex wrench
    Детальніше про товар
    1 од.


    Збільшення МІН
    Збільшення МАКС
    Діаметр об'єктива.
    56 mm
    Діаметр трубки
    34 mm
    Фокусна площина
    Клацніть значення
    1/8 MOA
    Прицільна сітка
    Діапазон висоти
    66 MOA
    Діапазон вітру
    36 MOA
    Бічний фокус / Паралакс
    10 yd–∞
    Вихід Зіниця
    Поле огляду, (ft@100yds)
    16.4-1.64 (5.45-0.54m)
    Відстань від очей низька
    Відстань від очей висока
    Вага (нетто)
    420mm (16.54'')
    URL-адреса виробника
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