Norāde: Iosso-Paste 10215

Zīmols: Iosso Products

IOSSO pasta stobra tīrīšanai

JAUNA BIO bāzes formula. Ļoti efektīva koncentrēta pastas formula, kas ilgāk noturīga un prasa mazāk laika tīrīšanai nekā parastie šķidrie vai aerosola tipa tīrīšanas līdzekļi.
Cena 12,99 €

Norāde: NTG 5 mirror Mirror set

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong Dažāda izmēra 5 gab. sānu skata spoguļi NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem (5mm un lielāki)

Piemērots .22, .243, .30, .38, .40 un lielāka kalibra stobriem Saderīgs ar Teslong NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem. Uzlabo redzamību lielāka kalibra stobros Redziet vairāk un pārbaudiet ātrāk Viegli vītņojas uz NTG boroskopiemNAV saderīgs ar NTG200 salokāmo boroskopu
Cena 24,99 €

Norāde: NTG150W

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong 36 collu / 92 cm WiFi elastīgs boroskops Iphone Ipad Andriod ar Wifi adapteri

Izpētiet apslēptās telpas ar mūsu WiFi elastīgo boroskopu, izstrādāts, kas nodrošina nevainojamu integrāciju ar iPhone, iPad vai Android ierīci. Šim 36 collu / 92 cm garajam boreskopam ir elastīgs dizains, kas ļauj viegli pārvietoties pa šaurām telpām. Pateicoties komplektā iekļautajam WiFi adapterim, varat uzņemt augstas kvalitātes attēlus un videoklipus...
Cena 91,98 €
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Produktu saraksts pēc zīmola Howard Leight

Howard Leight offers a comprehensive selection of top-quality hearing protection solutions for shooting, hunting, and other outdoor activities. With a focus on comfort, performance, and safety, Howard Leight products provide reliable noise reduction and enhance situational awareness. Explore our range of earmuffs and earplugs for optimal hearing protection.

Howard Leight is a leading brand in the field of hearing protection for shooting, hunting, and other outdoor activities. With a strong commitment to innovation, comfort, and safety, Howard Leight offers a wide range of high-quality products designed to protect your hearing while enhancing your overall shooting experience.

One of the key features of Howard Leight products is their advanced noise reduction technology. Whether you're on the range, in the field, or participating in any loud activity, Howard Leight earmuffs and earplugs are designed to effectively block out harmful noise, ensuring that your hearing is protected from loud sounds and potential damage.

Comfort is another important aspect of Howard Leight products. The earmuffs are designed with adjustable headbands, cushioned ear cups, and lightweight materials to provide a secure and comfortable fit, even during long hours of use. The earplugs are made from soft, hypoallergenic materials that conform to the shape of your ear canal for a customized and comfortable fit.

In addition to their exceptional hearing protection, Howard Leight products also prioritize situational awareness. Many of their earmuffs and earplugs feature built-in technology that allows for the amplification of low-level sounds, such as conversation or environmental sounds, while still providing effective noise reduction for high-level sounds like gunshots. This allows you to stay aware of your surroundings and communicate with others without compromising your hearing safety.

Howard Leight is dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of shooters and outdoor enthusiasts, offering a range of products suitable for various environments and activities. From electronic earmuffs with advanced features to disposable foam earplugs for convenience, Howard Leight has a solution to suit every individual preference and requirement.

When it comes to protecting your hearing, trust the reliability and performance of Howard Leight. With their extensive experience, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to excellence, Howard Leight is a brand that you can rely on for superior hearing protection in any shooting or outdoor adventure.

Aktīvie filtri

Norāde: ACE-HOWARD-750036

Zīmols: Howard Leight

Howard Leight Impact Sport - Aktīvais kapsula dzirdes aizsardzības līdzeklis medību un šautuvēm - SNR: 25 dB

AKTĪVA DZIRDES AIZSARDZĪBA: Howard Leight Impact Sport ne tikai samazina troksni, bet arī pastiprina kluso apkārtējo troksni līdz pat 82 dB. INCL. AUX SAVIENOJUMS: varat pievienot viedtālruni vai MP3 atskaņotāju, izmantojot AUX ligzdu, un baudīt mūziku tāpat kā ar austiņām. IDEĀLI PIEMĒROTAS LIETOŠANAI ĀRPUS TELPĀM: Pateicoties izturīgajam dizainam un...
Cena 79,00 €