Norāde: Iosso-Paste 10215

Zīmols: Iosso Products

IOSSO pasta stobra tīrīšanai

JAUNA BIO bāzes formula. Ļoti efektīva koncentrēta pastas formula, kas ilgāk noturīga un prasa mazāk laika tīrīšanai nekā parastie šķidrie vai aerosola tipa tīrīšanas līdzekļi.
Cena 12,99 €
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Norāde: NTG 5 mirror Mirror set

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong Dažāda izmēra 5 gab. sānu skata spoguļi NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem (5mm un lielāki)

Piemērots .22, .243, .30, .38, .40 un lielāka kalibra stobriem Saderīgs ar Teslong NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem. Uzlabo redzamību lielāka kalibra stobros Redziet vairāk un pārbaudiet ātrāk Viegli vītņojas uz NTG boroskopiemNAV saderīgs ar NTG200 salokāmo boroskopu
Cena 24,99 €

Norāde: NTG150W

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong 36 collu / 92 cm WiFi elastīgs boroskops Iphone Ipad Andriod ar Wifi adapteri

Izpētiet apslēptās telpas ar mūsu WiFi elastīgo boroskopu, izstrādāts, kas nodrošina nevainojamu integrāciju ar iPhone, iPad vai Android ierīci. Šim 36 collu / 92 cm garajam boreskopam ir elastīgs dizains, kas ļauj viegli pārvietoties pa šaurām telpām. Pateicoties komplektā iekļautajam WiFi adapterim, varat uzņemt augstas kvalitātes attēlus un videoklipus...
Cena 91,98 €
Visi visvairāk pārdotie produkti

Produktu saraksts pēc zīmola KG Industries

KG Industries: Professional-Grade Firearm Cleaning Solutions. From bore cleaners to lubricants, our products keep your firearms in top condition for optimal performance and longevity. Trust KG Industries for premium-quality firearm maintenance that delivers exceptional results.

KG Industries is a renowned provider of professional-grade firearm cleaning and maintenance solutions. With a commitment to quality and innovation, we offer a comprehensive range of products designed to keep your firearms in optimal condition.

Our bore cleaners are formulated with precision to remove fouling, carbon buildup, and other debris from the bore of your firearm. Whether you're dealing with copper, lead, or stubborn carbon deposits, our bore cleaners penetrate deep into the rifling grooves, ensuring thorough cleaning and restoration of accuracy.

In addition to bore cleaners, KG Industries offers a variety of lubricants and protective coatings. Our lubricants are specifically formulated to reduce friction and wear, providing smooth operation and reliable performance. They offer long-lasting protection against moisture, rust, and corrosion, helping to preserve the integrity of your firearms.

To enhance the longevity of your firearms, our protective coatings provide an additional layer of defense. These coatings offer exceptional resistance to wear, abrasion, chemicals, and harsh environmental conditions. They not only protect the surface of your firearms but also facilitate easier cleaning and maintenance.

At KG Industries, we understand the importance of maintaining the reliability and longevity of your firearms. Our products are developed using advanced formulations and undergo rigorous testing to ensure their effectiveness and performance. We strive to provide solutions that meet the demands of professional shooters, law enforcement personnel, and firearm enthusiasts.

In addition to our high-quality products, KG Industries is committed to exceptional customer service. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding our products or their application.

When it comes to firearm cleaning and maintenance, trust KG Industries for reliable and professional-grade solutions. Our products are trusted by shooters and enthusiasts worldwide for their performance, quality, and results. Discover the difference KG Industries can make in the performance and longevity of your firearms. Explore our range of products at Angel and experience the KG Industries advantage.

Aktīvie filtri

Norāde: KG-1

Zīmols: KG Industries

KG-1 Oglekļa noņemšanas līdzeklis 118 ml

Viegli noņemiet oglekļa nogulsnes no sava ieroča ar KG-1 Oglekļa noņēmēju 118 ml. Šis spēcīgais tīrīšanas šķīdums ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai izšķīdinātu un likvidētu spēcīgus oglekļa nogulsnes, atjaunojot jūsu ieroča veiktspēju un efektivitāti. Izsūtīšana tikai ar DPD/FIN-post!!!
Cena 25,99 €

Norāde: KG-5

Zīmols: KG Industries

KG-5 Gailīša eļļošanas līdzeklis 59 ml

KG-5 Trigger Lube ir izstrādāts īpaši trigger mehānismiem. Tas ir maisījums no vislabāk pieejamām eļļām, tostarp P.T.F.E. KG-5 nodrošina lielisku eļļošanu un korozijas aizsardzību.Izsūtīšana tikai ar DPD/FIN-post!!!
Cena 25,99 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces

Norāde: KG-4

Zīmols: KG Industries

KG-4 ieroču eļļa 59 ml

KG KG-4 ieroču eļļa. KG-4 Gun Oil atbilst stingrām prasībām, kas noteiktas sākotnējā militārajā specifikācijā Mil-L-63460 D. Tas ir visjaunākās pieejamās eļļas maisījums un tajā nav sintētisko vielu. 2 uncu pudeles.Izsūtīšana tikai ar DPD/FIN-post!!!
Cena 25,99 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces