Norāde: Iosso-Paste 10215

Zīmols: Iosso Products

IOSSO pasta stobra tīrīšanai

JAUNA BIO bāzes formula. Ļoti efektīva koncentrēta pastas formula, kas ilgāk noturīga un prasa mazāk laika tīrīšanai nekā parastie šķidrie vai aerosola tipa tīrīšanas līdzekļi.
Cena 12,99 €

Norāde: NTG 5 mirror Mirror set

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong Dažāda izmēra 5 gab. sānu skata spoguļi NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem (5mm un lielāki)

Piemērots .22, .243, .30, .38, .40 un lielāka kalibra stobriem Saderīgs ar Teslong NTG sērijas šaujamieroču boreskopiem. Uzlabo redzamību lielāka kalibra stobros Redziet vairāk un pārbaudiet ātrāk Viegli vītņojas uz NTG boroskopiemNAV saderīgs ar NTG200 salokāmo boroskopu
Cena 24,99 €

Norāde: NTG150W

Zīmols: Teslong

Teslong 36 collu / 92 cm WiFi elastīgs boroskops Iphone Ipad Andriod ar Wifi adapteri

Izpētiet apslēptās telpas ar mūsu WiFi elastīgo boroskopu, izstrādāts, kas nodrošina nevainojamu integrāciju ar iPhone, iPad vai Android ierīci. Šim 36 collu / 92 cm garajam boreskopam ir elastīgs dizains, kas ļauj viegli pārvietoties pa šaurām telpām. Pateicoties komplektā iekļautajam WiFi adapterim, varat uzņemt augstas kvalitātes attēlus un videoklipus...
Cena 91,98 €
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Produktu saraksts pēc zīmola LabRadar

LabRadar: Advanced ballistic velocity measurement devices that deliver precise and reliable data for improved shooting performance. Experience cutting-edge technology with LabRadar and elevate your shooting accuracy to new heights.

LabRadar: Elevate Your Shooting Performance with Advanced Ballistic Velocity Measurement

LabRadar is at the forefront of innovative technology when it comes to ballistic velocity measurement. Designed to provide accurate and reliable data, LabRadar devices offer shooters unparalleled insight into the performance of their ammunition and firearms.

LabRadar utilizes state-of-the-art Doppler radar technology to precisely measure the velocity of projectiles as they travel downrange. This advanced technology eliminates the need for traditional chronographs, which can be cumbersome and prone to errors. With LabRadar, you can capture accurate velocity readings with ease, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and fine-tune your shooting performance.

One of the key advantages of LabRadar is its versatility. It can be used with various firearms, including rifles, shotguns, handguns, and even airguns. Whether you're a competitive shooter, a precision rifle enthusiast, or a dedicated hunter, LabRadar provides the tools you need to optimize your ammunition and achieve consistent and accurate shot placement.

LabRadar offers a wealth of features and functionalities to enhance your shooting experience. The device captures detailed velocity data, including average velocity, extreme spread, standard deviation, and shot-to-shot consistency. It also records other valuable information such as muzzle energy and time of flight, allowing for comprehensive analysis of your shooting performance.

Setting up and operating LabRadar is straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls. The device is portable, lightweight, and easily adjustable, making it convenient for use in various shooting scenarios. Whether you're at the range, in the field, or in a competition, LabRadar provides the precision and reliability you need to optimize your shooting performance.

LabRadar has gained widespread recognition and praise within the shooting community for its accuracy, reliability, and ease of use. It has become a trusted companion for shooters of all skill levels who are looking to elevate their performance and gain a competitive edge.

Experience the power of LabRadar and revolutionize your shooting experience. With its advanced technology, precise measurements, and user-friendly design, LabRadar is the ultimate tool for achieving consistent and accurate results. Take your shooting performance to the next level with LabRadar and discover the difference it can make in your shooting journey.

Aktīvie filtri

Norāde: LAB-TRIPOD 05096015000033

Zīmols: LabRadar

LabRadar Salokāms mini statīvs oranžs

LabRadar saliekamais mini statīvs Orange ir kompakts un viegls statīvs, kas īpaši paredzēts izstrādāts izmantošanai ar LabRadar ātruma mērīšanas sistēmu
Cena 59,00 €
Noliktavā pēdējās preces

Norāde: 664309100078 100027798

Zīmols: LabRadar

LabRadar Doplera hronogrāfs ES modelis

Labradar hronogrāfa veiktspēja pārsniedz jebkuru patērētāja līmeņa ātruma uztveršanas sistēmu. Tas nepārtraukti mēra jūsu šautenes, pistoles, bise (lodes), bultas vai lodes ātrumu līdz pat 90 metriem atkarībā no lodes izmēra.
Cena 950,00 €
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